Hummingbird Feeders

Here is a very simple project, a hummingbird feeder.

I needed a simple project. My New Years resolution was to finish one of the many books I have been working on. Mid-February I got started. I vowed to focus all free time on the effort until it was up and […]

Another Iris

I just got a compliment on an iris photo. so I have to post another.

This is the Iris Ellene Rockwell, but really it is a frog picture. I will use any excuse to at all to sneak in photos of frogs. Click on the picture for a better view.



Chickens Love Pumpkin!


Chicken Tractor Trade Offs

I have been enjoying having my chickens run free during the day. Sadly the hawks have also enjoyed having my chickens run free during the day.

I love and respect hawks, love that they nest in my trees and have for as long as I have lived there. I wish the lazy bums would get […]


Here is the egg produced by Ameraucana chickens.

Pretty lightly blue or green or even pinkish brown eggs. I do love these chickens.
