Hummingbird Feeders

Here is a very simple project, a hummingbird feeder.

I needed a simple project. My New Years resolution was to finish one of the many books I have been working on. Mid-February I got started. I vowed to focus all free time on the effort until it was up and […]

The Bass Book, by Roger Hargrave

Rodger Hargrave is as far as I can tell, not just an expert, he is the expert. He makes violins, really good violins. As far as I can tell, perfect violins. But that is not all. He has a quick wit, amazing skills and serious expertise. All this and he has gracefully shared his methods. […]

Birdcage Awl Made Easy!

How about a quick easy project! How about quickly making a tool you will never want to be without!


The New Classic Mallet

One pattern that keeps showing up, is the basic Mallet made in three layers. The result is pretty and as reliable as any mallet, so I think this pattern can be considered a classic, despite it’s relatively recent appearance. From this view it looks just like the original classic.


A Wonderful and Free Tool Cabinet Plan!

Taunton Press has been kind enough to give a superb Fine Woodworking cabinet design away!


I think it is great! Inexpensive, pretty, and able to hold a large collection of tools. It has great tool visibility and uses a minimum of hardware to make. Jan Zoltowski has done a brilliant job of refining […]