A Lifestyle Woodworker – Paul Sellers Blog

I rather love the web site, http://paulsellers.com./

The results of Paul Sellers’ sharpening methods are simple and sound, and the results of his philosophy are shiny and sharp. Or maybe the other way around. In any case his advice is worthy of study.

One theme you will see over and over in my blog is […]

A Spherification Rack, A quickly made Fixture from Split Prone Cedar.

Creme De Menthe Caviar on Haagen Dazs Vanilla Ice Creme


Sometimes you need to do molecular gastronomy, and you need to do it now!

Spherification is a rather nifty process where you react juice with sodium alginate in it and a calcium containing fluid to make little juice filled gelatin balls.

While adding […]

Making Tools with HSS Blanks

    For under $5 you can obtain a set of HSS blanks from Harbor Freight. Do this at a store, I have been so amazingly and expensively burned by online shopping with HF that I will never ever do that again. The stores however are great as long as your are careful what you […]

Remaking a Snap Blade Knife or How to Work Wood that Splits Easily


I love mesquite wood. It is beautiful, tough, weather resistant, hard and the worlds most stable wood. It does have a curious weakness, a screw will split it in half despite it being able to survive years as a mallet. The wood can split.

So there are methods you learn, that you would not […]

How to Make an Octagonal Handle, Shell Auger and Straight Drilling Guide

I will warn you, this walk-through is a big one! The results, however, will let a woodworker without a lathe or mad shaping skills to have a reasonably high chance of turning a small chunk of wood into a lovely handle that can be held with comfort and pride!

I have been researching and experimenting […]