Hummingbird Feeders

Here is a very simple project, a hummingbird feeder.

I needed a simple project. My New Years resolution was to finish one of the many books I have been working on. Mid-February I got started. I vowed to focus all free time on the effort until it was up and […]

Pocket Burnisher for Scrapers, Macarons and a Game Update

If you read my previous birdcage awl post, you might recognize this tool. This was the real purpose of the tool, it is a fun and convenient twist that this tool also works as a pocket birdcage awl. This will allow a straight edge burnish and angled burnishes. This is ideal for curved burnishers.


The Disadvantage of Outdoor Craft in Texas Has Driven Me Indoors.

So many projects waiting to be completed, but now the Texas heat is driving me indoors.

Two sets of tongue and groove planes are going to have to be finished, and soon, they are needed. I have the parts lined up for making several spokeshaves, and that is also a nifty project that I […]

William Shakespeare, A Chronology Part 1, 1542-1564

In researching Shakespeare I have gathered quite a bit of odd data. Some of this I have put into a chronology of sorts. Let me warn you that while I have made every effort to be accurate, I cannot with all honesty say that original sources from the time […]

The Other Works of William Shakespeare, 003 Shakespeare Met

We arrived as hero’s. I had shot such deer before, but never without an adult. My aunt’s cook, Robin, who in truth ruled the house, spied William’s fish. He made such a commotion over the fish that Will surprised me by giving it to him.

November 7th, 2008 | Category: The Other Works of William Shakespeare, Writing | Leave a comment