Visit La Belle Note

Above is a Binding Groove Cutter or perhaps a Gramil exquisitely crafted and photographed by Christophe Mineau.

Christophe Mineau is a kindred soul and an amazing craftsman who is nine years younger than I am and a hundred years ahead of me in craftsmanship! His musical instruments are a delight, his tools a wonder […]

Pocket Burnisher for Scrapers, Macarons and a Game Update

If you read my previous birdcage awl post, you might recognize this tool. This was the real purpose of the tool, it is a fun and convenient twist that this tool also works as a pocket birdcage awl. This will allow a straight edge burnish and angled burnishes. This is ideal for curved burnishers.


Birdcage Awl Made Easy!

How about a quick easy project! How about quickly making a tool you will never want to be without!


Making a Nut Float

The problem with making tools, is that eventually you have all the tools you really need. I have met this problem and figured out how to conquer it! Simply manufacture the need! In this case I have decided to make a mandolin.

This requires a bunch of new tools! Since I want to learn luthery, […]


I made an ‘amplifier’ for my iphone.
