Violin Making Planes

Christopher Martyn at Finely Strung has a great article on making instrument planes!

His are tiny, elegant and simple. Using Krenov’s basic method, he shows how to make a great little plane.

With a few toothing blades from Lee Valley, or A top notch O1 plane blade, you could easily put together some really […]

My first Infill Plane

There I did it, I made an infill. It took all of 30 minutes.

I think the time and effort spent really show.

Walt provided the plane. I mentioned the idea of converting one of these inexpensive pocket planes into an infill and he was intrigued by the thought. Yes, I started with, […]

Best Way to Remove Scale, Is Not Having Scale!

Here is a bowl of goop. Below it is a blade I used the goop on. The blade was painted with the stuff, and then heated to a nice cherry red for about 15 minutes. Then it was quenched in safflower oil.

I had to put a cover on the oil, the oil caught […]