I rather love the web site, http://paulsellers.com./
The results of Paul Sellers’ sharpening methods are simple and sound, and the results of his philosophy are shiny and sharp. Or maybe the other way around. In any case his advice is worthy of study.
One theme you will see over and over in my blog is the range of tools for a tool kit. Paul Sellers’ list is another nice one to examine.
Mr. Sellers also has a fairly extensive presence on YouTube. If you want to learn fine and effective methods for using hand tools to craft wood, Paul Sellers is one of the better sources of old school and up to date methods that you can find.
I agree with everything you wrote about Paul. Since I’ve watched his DVD series I try to do at least one thing I watched him do every time I’m in the shop. I especially like his sharpening methods and I now use diamond stones. I am slowly getting the hang of doing all my sharpening freehand.
I couldn’t agree more. Paul Sellers makes woodworking accessible to the masses while requiring a very modest investment of space, money, and starting skill. He teaches so that both the most avid machine woodworker and the rank amateur benefits greatly from his instruction. He has a large number of free videos, but even the cost of his subscription is modest for the benefits one can gain from it. His blog and masterclasses site are hands-down the best woodworking resources I’ve found. Most definitely worth your time.