unpluggedshop.com is a Favorite Site of Mine!

Luke Townsley has done the brilliant work of creating an aggregation of recent articles.   I had not even thought of this concept, apart from my RSS feed collection, but he kindly emailed me and let me know that Toolmaking Art has been added.  What a delightful surprise.

I looked over his site,  http://www.unpluggedshop.com/ and found that I was not only overjoyed at being added to such a fine site, but was doubly pleased to have a new site that gives so much utility.

There are a lot of great sites out there that update once a month or so.   So they get forgotten about and you loose track of them.  Sad really.   An aggregator like this gives you a wide range of great sites at one site.

I am fairly proud to be listed amongst so much good work.


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