Froe Mallet

Here is a photo of the Froe Mallet I made.

Even though I had not used one on a froe, the motive for the design is obvious. A rough surface will absorb some of the womp, so you want a smooth hard wood surface. But you are going to be pounding on a […] is a Favorite Site of Mine!

Luke Townsley has done the brilliant work of creating an aggregation of recent articles. I had not even thought of this concept, apart from my RSS feed collection, but he kindly emailed me and let me know that Toolmaking Art has been added. What a delightful surprise.

I looked over his site, and found […]

Another Bad Idea

Less bad than the loose grit on the table, but still a poor one.

I figured the spit in the table would be perfect for sawing.

I had to move it a bit further out,

The cut was however way off. The angle did not help my acuracy one bit.

After sawing flat, […]

Cedar Worktable Material Testing

It rained for a week and my table got nice and wet.

The wax has done a good job of protecting the table, but when I move the clamp over you can see the rust caused by steel on cedar.

This happened through wax, so moisture, cedar and steel don’t mix.

The stainless […]

Loose Grit is not always the best choice.

Here is a bad knot I decided to try grinding with loose 80 grit aluminum oxide.

I used a rough metal plate to rub and roll the grit.

It cleaned the metal plate better than it did the wood.

It did a good enough job, so I cleaned it up. Not the […]